Evelyn's Story

Always a smile on her face, Evelyn was on the go from morning to night. She had to be doing something and we had to keep up. She would move from one activity to another when she wanted. She never acted out or didn’t listen, but she had a very keen way of doing what she wanted when she wanted. A very common theme at night for her — once she decided she had enough of the day — was to ask if it was OK to fall asleep. As soon as you said, “Yes,” she was asleep.

If you see any picture of Evelyn, she always had a big smile on her face. It didn’t matter if she was in the background or the reason for the picture. She just was happy at all times. Evelyn was a kindergarten student in Huron and absolutely loved going to school, often doing schoolwork even when she did not have to. She made friends everywhere she would go. In her short six years, she was blessed with two amazing preschool teachers and a kindergarten teacher who she adored. The week before she passed away, she was at home with her dad and asked, “How do you get a job?” She wanted to know if you picked the job or if someone had to pick you for the job — a little girl with grown-up thoughts. Once it was explained to her, she was quick to say, “I want to be a teacher.”

Evelyn cherished her time with family, especially her older brother and sister. She would willingly wake up an hour earlier than necessary for her own school just to ride along and drop them off. Trips to the store with her mom were a must, as she preferred wandering around T.J. Maxx or Target over staying home. In the larger family circle, she was the adored "baby" among grandparents, aunts, uncles, and cousins. Known for her silliness, she would persistently ask for a game of Candyland, never taking no for an answer.

Evelyn's constant motion and infectious happiness are what most people remember about her. Friends and family have shared memories of seeing her at games or events—always wearing a big grin, dancing around, and simply living in the moment. Despite only being 6 years old, her quick wit matched that of any adult, responding promptly to jokes directed her way. Chick-fil-A was her go-to lunch spot, where she cleverly opted for ice cream over toys in her kids' meal. Two ranches for dipping nuggets were non-negotiable, and her taste buds favored Doritos, pizza, and popsicles.

Before walking into the ER on Friday January 6th Evelyn had a fever and had thrown up a few times, it seemed like nothing more than your typical childhood illness. She was only in the ER for a few hours before it was determined she needed more assistance. The first time we heard the words Septic Shock was during transport to Rainbow Babies and Children’s Hospital. Over the next two days we would learn what it could do to our beautiful little girl. She fought hard from the minute she arrived, going onto countless machines designed to help her. Evelyn passed away Sunday January 8, less than 60 hours from the moment she walked into the ER.